· This descriptive paragraph allowed me to slow down and understand my senses in a much deeper fashion. If I had to go trough an entire year without eating a taco I am not sure I would be able to live life normally. The one thing that I would miss about my taco is the taste. It is a very hardy but at the same time soft when it is made with a · Steps. Write a topic sentence as the "top bun" of your hamburger. The topic sentence should tell you what the paragraph is about. For example, if you were writing about your best friend your topic sentence might be something like this: "Allie is a really great friend." Add a detail as your tomato%(71) However, the story of the creation of the burger (one of many stories) is that the burger was brought to America by German immigrants from (surprise, surprise) burger in the early years of the 20th Century. One of the best activity of
How to Write a Hamburger Paragraph: 9 Steps (with Pictures)
Composition used to be a subject taught in school. It was a big deal back in the 50s and 60s but I can remember even in the 70s and 80s, my own teachers wanted us to be comfortable presenting our ideas in written form. And we got lots of experience writing for those teachers!
Maybe you have a memory like mine, of that red duo-tang that was reserved for the weekly creative writing assignment, or the teacher who assigned you a weekly essay to write. Did you just kind of learn to write sentences, paragraphs, and even whole essays by practising the skill over and over? But if you were trying to teach paragraph writing to your kids, or perhaps to someone whose mother tongue tends to flow very differently from English, what would you say?
How would you discuss what you just do without thinking about it? Well, descriptive paragraph on burger, one way of representing a well-written paragraph is to use the image of a hamburger. Why not give this fun, descriptive paragraph on burger, visual writing method a try? Using the image of a burger on a bun, the top and bottom parts of the bun are the beginning and end of the paragraph. Additional sentences fit descriptive paragraph on burger the middle, like the burger patty and the toppings that go with it.
The whole thing works together, just like the different ingredients come together to make a tasty hamburger. Strong supporting sentences make your paragraph strong too. Your supporting sentences should not just repeat what you said in your topic sentence, but in different words.
A supporting sentence should support, or hold up, the statement you make in your topic sentence. A good supporting sentence can:. The job of your supporting sentences is to give more meat to your initial claim or statement, to back up whatever your topic sentence said. Be sure when you write your paragraph, that each and every supporting sentence does a job. If so, you need to rewrite that sentence or replace it with a completely different one. You want each sentence to make its own contribution and not just to lie there, adding to the word count!
A concluding sentence is to your paragraph what the conclusion is to an essay. It helps descriptive paragraph on burger bring all the ideas together and to remind the reader why all the details from those supporting sentences matter. Just like the bottom bun on as hamburger, descriptive paragraph on burger also mirrors or completes the topic sentence and gives the reader a sense that everything is now complete. If you are looking for writing practice, write just one paragraph this way and share it in our BlogBourne forum.
If you are already a strong writer, descriptive paragraph on burger, why not teach someone else how to write a paragraph using the hamburger imagery.
Have your learned something on how to write a hamburger paragraph? You might also be interested on how reading could make you a better writer. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. sections Short Stories Fables Legends Myths Plays Poems Epics. IdealReads Community: Readers and Fans Publish. How to Look Like a Pro When You Blog About by Ruby Body Brushing: An Effective Treatment to Help Autistic Children with Our Reader Score, descriptive paragraph on burger.
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Descriptive Paragraph
, time: 5:10Life Without a Taco- Descriptive Paragraph | mannyvsmanny

· The concept of the “Hamburger Paragraph” is pretty simple. Using the image of a burger on a bun, the top and bottom parts of the bun are the beginning and end of the paragraph. Additional sentences fit in the middle, like the burger patty and the toppings that go with it · Steps. Write a topic sentence as the "top bun" of your hamburger. The topic sentence should tell you what the paragraph is about. For example, if you were writing about your best friend your topic sentence might be something like this: "Allie is a really great friend." Add a detail as your tomato%(71) · Descriptive paragraph. One of my favorite things to eat in the whole world would have to be a big juicy cheeseburger. The way you bite into the soft warm bread, the juicy meat, and the gooey cheese that is melted all over the meat. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water
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