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Cause and effect essay divorce

Cause and effect essay divorce

cause and effect essay divorce

Causes: 1. Money plays an influential role in our lives, and when one spouse has different spending habits than the other, this can cause a lot of problems. When you’re always working to barely make ends meet, it can cause stress that affects the relationship. (Include statistics about the rates of divorce for couples in different income brackets.) 2 16/8/ · Financial problems, stress in modern living and lack of communication are considered as three major causes of divorce. Financial difficulties are one of the leading reasons of divorce 1st place. Cause of divorce is harmful habits, in particular the problem of alcoholism in a family (in most cases husband’s alcoholism); 2nd place. Cause of divorce is adultery of one of the spouses; 3rd place. Cause of divorce is light-minded, thoughtless decision to get married; 4th place

Divorce, Its Causes, Effects, and Solutions: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer

Home — Essay Samples — Family — Divorce — Happy Marriages: Studying the Causes and Effects of Divorce. What is Marriage? All human being cause and effect essay divorce depending on the situation Divorce can be defined as a legal dissolution of marriage because of many factors which can be internal or external.

Marriage is a bond that unites two cause and effect essay divorce, when a couple decides to live together for their rest of their life, and to stay side by side for the health and sickness. Divorce in the other hand is the opposite of marriage which is a process couples go cause and effect essay divorce when they decide not to live together.

From many obstacles and difficulties Divorce is one of the hardest things people can go through especially if a family is formed, but nowadays, many marriages are ending in divorce in cause and effect essay divorce early stages and are increasing at a higher rate all around the world.

Nowadays the rate of divorce is getting very high, one of them is interesting fact is that divorce is common with the educated and the financially well-off families this is a trend that raises many questions than answers. Three are many causes of divorce that have been identified and they include changing roles of women, stress found in family life, cause and effect essay divorce, lack of communication, Childless, Poverty and low income, Alcoholism, and marriage in young age.

One of the reasons from many given for the high rates of divorce is that women are changing their roles in life. In old days women used to stay home and taking care of their children and their husband. Husbands, on the other hand were the key for everything. Women were expecting everything from their husband including groceries, house expenses like rent and everything, cause and effect essay divorce.

With the changing economic and society, women are getting education they are going to school and graduating from university. As women become independent, they tend to have confidence and lower tolerance to violence from their spouse.

In earlier times, women were supposed to tolerate any abusive from their husband because they had no other alternative.

The equality that we are seeing today where women are more educated, and they are becoming their own bosses and have their income make the takes marriage into different level. Women are becoming more independent from their spouse especially in terms of money as they can earn money by their selves, this high rate of independence made it easier for women to leave their husbands if they are unhappy in any case in the slightest form of provocation.

Over time it has been observed that divorce is rampant with couples where the wife is equally educated as the husband. Women who are earning are highly likely to get divorced with their men. Poverty and low income are a main problem in the world today. Most people will get married thinking things will be better and easier when they get married, but many people suffer a lot from the poverty, and they face many difficulties throughout their lives because of that.

People start a life thinking they will handle everything that come in their way especially if they are with their partner, but the truth is that couples with no money have the probability to argue more often because of lack of food, diversions, and unemployment. Even though, some people that have these kinds of problem tend to be happier, but most people find it hard to even take a breath with kind of problem. So, the only option that is left will be the divorce.

A study done by the National Bureau of Economic Research Inc. shows that there are some financial problems more likely to lead to divorce then others. One example would be getting fired. Getting fired from a job has a significantly impact in the probability of getting a divorced. The reasons that getting fired from a job would raises the chances of getting a divorce. Most of the time Getting fired will put all the burden on one person, and the person that has all the burden usually go through a lot of stress in order to manage everything.

Stress can be a huge cause of marital difficulties. The one thing that always come up frequent times in research is that money causes the most stress for married couples.

According to PREP Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Programmoney is the start for many arguments than any other topic. Citibank also states that their research shows money to be the leading cause of divorce. The search for more many has brought the dark side of most people this day. Women can go places and can do many things which are unheard of in the name of looking for money. This is partly caused by the rise in the living conditions, cause and effect essay divorce.

The price of food has risen around the world, gas is increasing and the cost of getting education is on rise that never been before. With this, there is increased struggle to get money which makes people to stress more. In the modern style especially this day Alcohol and drugs plays an important rule in people life. Communication is the key role in any marriage. If married people lack the communication in the relationship, the bond between them will be loosened, and both partner will go their separate ways which is not going to help save cause and effect essay divorce marriage, instead it will keep the partners to go separate ways, one might be looking for someone that they can communicate well and understand them more.

Not communicating enough decreases the amount of love, romance, attraction, and understanding between each other, and there will be more fights rather than alone, and caring relationship between the couple. Another common cause of divorce is getting married in a young age. There aremarriages taking place each year between people of ages 15 to Recently that number has decline, but it is still high. The rate of divorce for cause and effect essay divorce people in marriages is extremely high for many reasons.

According to Jeanne Warren Lindsay, author of the book Teenage Marriage, many teenagers jump into marriage in hopes of finding an escape from an unhappy home life. Lindsay states, each partner is developing his own identity and going in a different direction.

The fact that married teenagers are forced into an adult world only adds to their stress. Because these teenagers are forced into the real world, they may be forced to support themselves and their spouse financially when they are not prepared to do that. Money is a main problem because usually to earn a living as young married people quite school in order to work more. The other factor in young marriages is pregnancy. Although a pregnancy is commendable, marriage is not the way to do it.

The reason for this being that a young couple must struggle to adjust to parenthood and each other at the same time. Furthermore, cause and effect essay divorce effects of divorce rates are negative, cause and effect essay divorce, majority of couples are normally bound together with the responsibility of raising their children.

Every child will be happy if they are raised by both parents because the occurrence of divorce has a direct effect on children. Some children who grow up in single parent families take the option to escape from their homes as a result of the separation of their parents and become street urchins. Nonetheless, some effects of the rise in divorce cases are positive, cause and effect essay divorce. For instance, when couples agree to divorce peacefully because of the irreconcilable differences it may be healthy for an individual to concentrate on other life matters.

From studies mostly, it is women that benefit from divorce because they are relieved of the pain caused by non-functional marriage. Children also experience positive effects of the divorce emotion. They are free from heartbreaks caused by divorce. Frequent conflicts and quarrels between their parents finally come to a standstill. The children can find their path in life and get high self-esteem, cause and effect essay divorce.

The spouses furthermore can benefit from divorce when the court intervenes in the division of their income equitably. It helps them manage their finances for the sustenance of their children. These are some of the positive effects of a marriage separation for couples, children and people around them.

In conclusion, cause and effect essay divorce, Marriage or all relationships require constant cooperation and an equal or fair level of effort from everyone involved. Despite the number of files on divorce cases raised cause and effect essay divorce courts in America today, the two must remain together to form a healthy family. Staying side by side with each other is what they need despite the upheavals that increase due to ideological differences in marriage, cause and effect essay divorce.

Currently, divorce occurs because of the lack of communication, stress caused by modern life, and the empowerment of women that has led to both positive and negative effects. Couples without children see it significant to divorce with their consent to solve their differences while those with children should ensure that their children should not be victims of the broken relationship. Nevertheless, people should think wisely before choosing a life partner in order cause and effect essay divorce lower the increasing rate of divorce.

Cause and effect essay divorce are many causes of divorce. Relationship can be saved if you have better communication between each other, if one is addicted to something you can help partner come out and save their lives. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student. Sorry, copying is not allowed on our website.

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Essay on The Causes and Effects of Divorce - Words | Bartleby

cause and effect essay divorce

Causes: 1. Money plays an influential role in our lives, and when one spouse has different spending habits than the other, this can cause a lot of problems. When you’re always working to barely make ends meet, it can cause stress that affects the relationship. (Include statistics about the rates of divorce for couples in different income brackets.) 2 1st place. Cause of divorce is harmful habits, in particular the problem of alcoholism in a family (in most cases husband’s alcoholism); 2nd place. Cause of divorce is adultery of one of the spouses; 3rd place. Cause of divorce is light-minded, thoughtless decision to get married; 4th place 10/12/ · According to Mathew Warren, “Sex is an important part or romantic relationships — and is people are not on the same page at out their sex life, it can become a source of frustration. “The dissatisfaction from partners is another reason why divorce occurs after marriage and it is ashamed when we think of it

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