![Reflective Essay On My Child Observation And Presentation: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer child observation essays](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/74/82/e2/7482e268727a7bb4f677fe2f6454cce2.jpg)
Mar 10, · Essay, Pages 6 ( words) Views. For this assignment, I observed my six year old niece, Faustine Bui who was born on August 16, , at the park where I was babysitting her with her mom for approximately thirty minutes. The park I observed her at is packed with children Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Child Observation essaysCenter for Young Children Observation Report On February 23, , I visited the Center for Young Children at the University of Maryland. During this visit, I gained vast amounts of knowledge about different aspects of a young child's classroom environment. During my v Jun 28, · Essay on Child Observation. Nassir Hassan Social Work June 28, April 11, 11 Minutes. This essay seeks to critically evaluate my role as a child observer. Drawing on two or more theories of child development, I will look at the main theoretical concept and critically evaluate in relation to my blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins
Child Observation Report Essay on Children
Home — Essay Samples — Psychology — Child Observation — Reflective Essay On My Child Observation And Presentation. As part of my social work studies, I was required to carry out six child observations, do a power point presentation, and write a reflective report on the entire exercise.
Description I used the Tavistock method Esther Bick, to carry out these observations. I did one informal presentation and one formal power point presentation after the sixth observation. My task started with getting an unfamiliar child child observation essays a different age group as my children and from a different race and background as myself. I contacted parents and pre-schools for assistance. I observed a 4year 8months girl in a school setting.
My decision to use an unfamiliar child put me in an uncomfortable position. I felt uncomfortable to approach unfamiliar people, telling them I need their child for my personal interest.
But I encouraged myself and started contacting parents with young ones. My negotiations about the observation were with the head teacher and not the class teacher. This made me have a feeling of powerlessness for the teacher. While presenting, I felt very nervous at the beginning and was also anxious that the time will not be enough.
This made me rush the presentation. However, the constructive child observation essays I received made me feel I have started to learn how to apply theory to practice and is now beginning to be reflective in my practice. Though I felt my role as an observer was not necessary, but I got an understanding of why I should do observation. According to Carole Sharman et al. Evaluation My decision to observe an unfamiliar child from was very good.
There was careful negotiation among all parties to the observation. The agreement was reviewed by all parties before printing and signing the final copy. I also recognised the class teacher as party to the child observation essays and I briefly introduced myself to her on the first day of my observation. I believe this enabled a good professional relationship which is key in social work practice Wilson et al It also showed respect to human rights.
However, these brought in a bit of delay in the preliminary process. The Tavistock method used for the observation enabled concentration. But I think one hour is not enough and that using the same time and setting limited the understanding of behaviour. Nevertheless, the school setting created opportunity for me to see how children interact with child observation essays external world outside their home, even child observation essays there were distractions from other children, child observation essays.
My power point presentation went well but not without faults, child observation essays. My slides were attractive, but some contained too much information and looked compressed.
I spent longer time, used faster speed and lesser eye contact as expected. I believe this was caused by my inexperience, anxiety, and time constraint considering the information I had. However, child observation essays, the questions and feedbacks enhanced my ability to think critically and constructively and showed areas I need to improve on, child observation essays.
I deduced that though Bowlby recognised secured attachment for under 5s, he failed to recognise this attachment outside the mother. I could see the child securely attached with friends within child observation essays school. Thus, the stimulating meso system offered her opportunity to explore and develop positively.
However, despite these external factors, there are biological factors that affect temperament and in turn may determine how a child acts or reacts in the environment and what the child gets in return, child observation essays. As a professional, I thought about the emotional impact of moving children from schools especially during adoption. I saw hope, will power, child observation essays, purpose, and care as the child played; though there was no dedication to child observation essays care.
I learnt children can show an element child observation essays care earlier than Erikson suggested. I learnt good skills like compassion, love and leadership can be developed through play. I saw the link between play and social and cognitive development as I observed. I saw her cognitive ability emerge through play as she actively explored her environment seeking alternative ways in making her own party crown. This exploration I believe, was triggered by a stimulating environment offered by the teacher and school.
This implies that both the process of adaptation and the environment play significant role in shaping the child. The presentations were an opportunity to express and improve on my communication skills which is important in social work child observation essays. One feedback I received created self-awareness in me about my prejudices. This confirms that where you stand determines what you see. It made me gain understanding on what to look for beyond race and gender; emphasising the need for a reflective practice which is anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive.
It could put practitioners in risky circumstances such as I experienced during the presentation, child observation essays. The observation created more awareness in me that inequalities exist everywhere in the society and that both personal and professional relationships are affected by power dynamics, child observation essays.
It also enlightened my understanding on how to maintain professional boundary while working in a different organisational context. The observation enhanced my ability to concentrate, use theoretical materials, relax, child observation essays, and think before doing. I have learnt the need for good communication skills in social work practice to present information accurately. I have learnt the need for person centred support acknowledging the uniqueness of everyone as well as recognising the impact of the eco system on individuals across the life course.
Action Plan I will continue to improve on my emotional intelligence by reading more literatures on reflective practice and consciously reflecting on feedbacks. During placement, I will make use of child observation essays to improve my observation skills. I will work on my IT and communication skills to improve my ability in power point presentations, child observation essays. Giving constructive feedback is an important skill in social work.
I will ensure I seize every opportunity that comes my way to improve my ability to child observation essays constructive feedbacks as well as improve my confidence in speaking to an audience. Remember: This is just a sample from a fellow student.
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This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. Reflective Essay on My Child Observation and Presentation Category: Psychologychild observation essays, Sociology Subcategory: Child DevelopmentHuman Populations Topic: Child ObservationSociety Pages: 3 Words: Published: 01 September Downloads: 17 Download Print.
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Interpreting Child Observation: Basics
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Mar 10, · Essay, Pages 6 ( words) Views. For this assignment, I observed my six year old niece, Faustine Bui who was born on August 16, , at the park where I was babysitting her with her mom for approximately thirty minutes. The park I observed her at is packed with children Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Child Observation and Assessment Essay Words | 8 Pages. The child I observed was a seven-year-old girl in Year 2 who sat on the second highest ability table in a mixed class. While not in school, she lived a substantial distance away meaning she travelled to and from school by car and was often the first child to arrive in the morning and Jun 28, · Essay on Child Observation. Nassir Hassan Social Work June 28, April 11, 11 Minutes. This essay seeks to critically evaluate my role as a child observer. Drawing on two or more theories of child development, I will look at the main theoretical concept and critically evaluate in relation to my blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins
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