Thursday, May 20, 2021

Causes of the civil war essay

Causes of the civil war essay

causes of the civil war essay

I believe that the Civil War of played a significant role in building the stronger nation; likewise, I will discuss three major causes of the war – which are the slavery, the conflicts between the North and South states, and the Presidential election of – describe how dreadful the war was, and how the slavery, the relationship among the states, and the Through sectional favoritism of bits and pieces of the Constitution and through ideas that were left out of it, the Constitution led to sectional discord and nearly the failure of the union. A major issue that caused major sectional discord was the constitutionality of slavery The causes of the war implicated the high spread of slavery across the country, the limitations of Americans in their rights, the variety of freedoms in different states, the problematic perception of new territories under the control of the USA and active protectionism policy

Causes Of American Civil War Essay Example: What Caused The Civil War?

The American Civil War of was fought between the Union the northern states and The Confederates the southern states under the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, causes of the civil war essay. This international conflict is perhaps the most written about and studied piece of United States history. The war brought about an estimated , casualties, more than the American Revolution, World War I, World War II and Vietnam put together.

From DecemberSouth Carolina succeeded from The Union and so this began the conflict between The North and The South. So exactly what caused the civil war? The war was a result of conflicting ideological, cultural and economic ideas between both regions.

Arguably the general consensus is that slavery was the primary cause of the civil war. Even though there were differences of opinion on slavery within Union states at the time and not all the states that held slaves were part of The Confederacy, it was causes of the civil war essay clear that The North and The South held opposing views to slavery, leading to political causes of the civil war.

From a philosophical perspective, slave ownership was not consistent with republicanism, a philosophy which held unalienable individual rights and liberty as its key central values. As republicanism was the core philosophy of the United States, The Union longed to bring slavery to a gradual end by containing its spread throughout the nation.

The South believed that this idea went against their Constitutional rights and that they should be allowed to own slaves if they so desired. The majority of slavery was illegal in The North as it had been outlawed in the 19th century, yet its expansion was rife in southern states. The rise of chattel slavery meant that slaves could be bought and sold as property and any children the slaves had could become property too. People were owned outright, unlike in The North. The culture of abolitionists in the Union vs.

the strong desire to use cheap slave labour in The South created strong conflicts between both parties which ultimately escalated. As Lincoln stated in his inaugural address, one-eighth of the American population were coloured slaves that were localised in The South which had particular and powerful interests. All knew that these interests were somehow the cause of the war, causes of the civil war essay. New England states and the climate of The North were largely not suited for farming and so this industry was not embraced.

Instead, manufacturing was the booming industry in this region and goods were made with machines instead of being grown. The booming manufacturing industry and exports overseas meant that cities were able to grow in northern states and city life becoming the norm of northern society. In contrast, The South was a much better region for growing, with a lot of fertile soil, especially along the mineral-rich river basins.

The agricultural industry meant that unlike cities, owners could have large farms with enormous open fields. Cotton, rice, tobacco and the indigo plant were key causes of the civil war essay grown in largely monoculture farms that required labour from numerous causes of the civil war essay. To put it simply, The North liked producing products and The South liked growing, and so this produced the economic causes of the Civil War.

Because of the larger population in the northern region, causes of the civil war essay, greater technological advances and economic success lead to greater quantities of manufactured goods, therefore slavery was gradually phased out.

This was in contrast to The South which depended on slavery for its predominant agricultural economy. Southern states had little desire to embrace manufacturing as businesses were based on low cost labour and so supported the right to sell cotton and purchase manufactured items from any country.

In contrast, Northern states had heavily invested in manufacturing and could not compete with advanced European industries to offer high prices from southern cotton imports and lower prices for manufactured good exports in return. This difference in economic interests meant that The North supported tariffs on goods whereas The South demanded a free trade. Some historians debate whether differences in economy between northern and southern regions did help propel the war. A number of academic sources seem to suggest that both regions economies were complementary, i.

The North and The South did trade a significant amount with each other which brought about mutual benefits. However, it is clear that the interweaving of the slave culture into the southern economy meant that Confederate states would have lost a lot if slavery was taken away from them, and this would have been a great source of tension. If the livelihoods of the majority of southern businessmen were at stake, it is no wonder they would have gone to extraordinary lengths to defend their interests.

Tensions were unsurprisingly high and loyalty began to brew within regions right before the time of the war, leading to widespread sectionalism. At the time it felt like two separate parts of the world and because each region thought of themselves as different, it was more easy for animosity and conflict to brew between these regions.

The South argued that each state had rights to secede and leave the Union whenever they wanted — they claimed that states should decide whether they want to pass laws or not, as the states were themselves important individual regions. South Carolina ignored a tax on cotton passed by The North because The South was cotton rich and so South Carolina wondered why they had to listen to such laws that would not affect The North to the same degree, The North hardly growing cotton at all.

The South saw Abraham Lincoln as a threat and so argued that they should have the right to secede or leave the United States. It was argued that each state has its own separate identity and so each state should be able to walk away if they want to. In effect, the issue of states rights caused many states to do just that and to form their own group called The Confederacy or The Confederate States of America.

Lincoln tried to downplay the slavery side stating that the war was mainly about preserving the union, causes of the civil war essay, however, it is clear that causes of the civil war essay predominant factor that resulted in the civil war was slavery. The brutal and horrific practice of slavery filtered through into all of the causes of the civil war, creating tensions that paved the way for such loss of life, suffering and destruction.

All causes mixed together forming a potent reason to fight for the good of either The Union or The Confederacy. Whatever individual motives people had, whether they were based on political ideology or economic motives, millions of men were eager to fight and die.

The Causes of the American Civil War Essay Example The American Civil War of was fought between the Union the northern states and The Confederates the southern states under the presidency of Abraham Lincoln.

Slavery Arguably the general consensus is that slavery was the primary cause of the civil war, causes of the civil war essay. The Economy New England states and the climate of The North were largely not suited for farming and so this industry was not embraced. Sectionalism and Nationalism Tensions were unsurprisingly high and loyalty began to brew within regions right before the time of the war, leading to widespread sectionalism.

Key questions were posed: What rights do states have over the central government? Should states have more power than central government? Should the central government have all the power in making decisions?

Conclusion and Aftermath Lincoln tried to downplay the slavery side stating that the war was mainly about preserving the union, however, it is clear that the predominant factor that resulted in the civil war was slavery.

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Cause and Effects of the Civil War

, time: 8:47

causes of the civil war essay

Jan 01,  · While the most common cause of the Civil war is said to be slavery, there were several other factors involved also. Although slavery was the major cause, so to speak, it was definitely not the only cause of the Civil War. As the former led to the latter, abolition of slavery and Civil War have become comparable terms Sep 17,  · The Civil War was caused by mounting conflicting pressures, principles, and prejudices, fueled by differences and pride, and set into motion by unlikely set of political events. The war divided the country between the North (Union) and South (Confederate). The war lasted five years and by the Confederate forces were truly beaten Nov 12,  · Long Essay on Causes of the Civil War Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and There were various causes for the civil war to take place. Some causes were cultural, while some were political, others were economic. The Union between the north and the south was split based on several important blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins

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