Thursday, May 20, 2021

Essay on flood

Essay on flood

essay on flood

Descriptive Essay About The Great Flood Words5 Pages The Great Flood Standing outside, clinging onto my balcony rail, watching the rain pour down from the dark, gloomy sky, I wondered would it ever end. Each drop of rain continuously hitting the concrete of the parking lot, had formed into a lake 12/10/ · A flood is a natural disaster that arises due to excessive runoff of water in the rivers due to rainfall. This causes the water of rivers to come out from the edges and flow into the plains. Floods can last from a few hours to a few days, but it can cause great harm to people, money and blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins 7/8/ · FAQ on Flood Essay Q.1 What are the consequences of a flood? A.1 Floods cause immense destruction. They are responsible for the loss of human and animal lives. People lose their homes and cars in floods. They also cause soil erosion and uproot of trees. Q.2 How can we prevent floods? A.2 Governments must take up certain measures to prevent floods. We can install flood Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins

Essay on Floods with Outline (बाढ़ पर निबंध) - Study Master

A Flood Scene. India is a land of rivers. So floods are very common in this country. We hear of floods every year. They are not new things. There are many causes of flood. Sometimes the rainfall is heavy. Rivers cannot carry all the water. The water overflows and spreads to long distances making flood. Sometimes dams are broken causing flood. The floods are common in Essay on flood. They are a natural calamity, essay on flood.

Floods are the curse of God on earth. They occur on account. Of heavy rainfall. They occur almost in every country, when the rains are heavy and continue for a long time. These floods cause a huge loss of life and property. I live near the Yamuna river in a small village.

Forty families live there. Every year during the rainy season our village is surrounded by Yamuna water. We have built our houses on the rocky ground.

It is much above the level of the surrounding earth. Last year heavy rains caused flood. We had to vacate our village.

We saw big sheet essay on flood water all round. Boats were playing in the Yamuna. I saw with great horror many houses surrounded by angry water. Ultimately we had to vacate our houses and went to our farm where we were safe. The farm was situated at about fifteen kilometers away from our village in the interior. The effect of this flood in neighbouring villages was very great.

It caused a great loss of human life and property. Crops were damaged, tree were uprooted, houses were washed away, cattle were drowned. Heavy loss of life and property took place and epidemic broke out. The people were rendered homeless. The Government officers had made arrangement for a big camp. This was arranged for those who left their hearths and homes.

Food was freely supplied to them. To save people from the possible attack of diseases all the precautions were taken. The people in the camp were given medical aid. I remember that for two days we also had to stay there. The condition of the people was very miserable. They had to stand like beggars in queues for food.

The poorest people were given good first and then people like us had good essay on flood the last. The floods in the river Yumuna caused great loss to the people of affected areas.

It spoiled the crops completely. Our village specially suffered a great loss. Nearly all the mud houses wren washed away by the swift current of water. Hundreds of cattle were drowned. When the water receded, essay on flood, the Government gave financial aid to the farmers.

The poor people got money to rebuild their mud houses and to purchase some necessary things such as cloth, sugar and food. We also got some loan from the Government for buying seeds and chemical fertilizers. Three hundred rupees were given by way of financial aid to us. Now new attempts are being made to check the floods. Government has started to construct embankment along the river banks. We have no control on the causes of floods. We cannot check extensive rains. Science has failed to conquer the essay on flood of the sun.

man is powerless in this respect. We can only minimize human suffering and loss of property. To avoid the dagger of the flood, big tanks and canals should be made. Big dams should be constructed to prevent the water of the flooded rivers. People should be trained to serve in such calamities. They should be taught swimming and rowing. Essay No. Flood in My Village. It was the rainy season and for one whole week, the rain poured incessantly.

The water level in the river rose steadily until the water split over, flooding many essay on flood areas. My village was one of the areas affected essay on flood we had to move our belongings to higher ground. There, essay on flood, we waited for rescue teams to arrive. The whole village was submerged in about one meter of water.

The currents were swift and merciless, sweeping away livestock and furniture. Red Crescent members could be seen busy evacuating old folk, women and children trapped by the rising waters, essay on flood. Flood victims were taken to a Flood Relief Centre. Here we were given hot drinks, porridge and milk for the babies. Some had to be given clothes and blankets as they could not save anything in time. After three days, the rain subsided and the flood waters receded, it was such a relief to see the sun again.

Flood victims began to move back home, to clean up the place as well as to assess the damage. In spite of phenomenal scientific and technological advancements, we suffer from many natural calamities like flood, drought, famine, earthquake and devastating storms every year. We in India are frequent victims of these devastations.

Floods cause a great havoc in India. They destroy life and property on a vast scale every year in the plains of northern India. Floods have been a major cause of calamity in India because there is a big network of mighty rivers. They get flooded during the monsoon season every year and create terrible devastation. The Ganga, Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Gomati, Essay on flood, Kosi, essay on flood, etc. During the monsoon season, they receive very heavy rainfall and so they discharge the maximum quantity of water causing frequent floods.

The peninsular rivers like Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri Narmada, Mahanadi, etc. The swollen rivers, during monsoon months, essay on flood, often burst their banks and dams causing essay on flood deluge.

The Worst affected areas are those of Assam, Bihar, West Bengal and Eastern Uttar Pradesh. Consequently, standing crops, people livestock, villages and towns are swept away.

Houses, buildings and huts collapse and roads; railings, bridges, etc. Power and electrical failures plunge the vast areas into darkness and gloom. Had there been no floods and droughts, India would have been a very prosperous country because it is mainly an agricultural country.

Both floods and droughts are most ravaging. These are the two major calamities visiting India every now and then. Floods are a regular feature in India. It is a matter of great regret that our Government has not been successful to tame the rivers so as to solve the problems of devastating floods.

Something very effective and lasting must be done to prevent floods and huge recurring losses of men and material caused by them. The poor masses in the villages are the worst sufferers.

Rivers are a essay on flood boon and blessing, but when they are in flood, as they often do in rains in the northern plains, they become a great curse.

Essay On Flood - Flood Essay In English - Essay

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Essay on “A Flood Scene” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

essay on flood

12/10/ · A flood is a natural disaster that arises due to excessive runoff of water in the rivers due to rainfall. This causes the water of rivers to come out from the edges and flow into the plains. Floods can last from a few hours to a few days, but it can cause great harm to people, money and blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins 3/4/ · Essay No. 01 India is a land of rivers. So floods are very common in this country. We hear of floods every blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Essay on Flood: With Causes – Essay 7 ( Words) 1. Heavy Rains. As discussed earlier, flood is mostly caused by an extended period of rain. This can happen if the 2. Snow Melting. Mountains that were covered with snow in the season of winter start to melt once temperature begins to 3. Dam Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins

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