Thursday, May 20, 2021

Going back to school essay

Going back to school essay

going back to school essay

I feel that going to school is for the better-good, because with more education I can get a better job and better pay to support my family. Failure is not an option. Second, when I made the decision to go back to college, I was not prepared for projects and assignments being due at  · Going back to school means I can better myself and in doing that, I can provide a better life for my family. It’s hard telling them no because we can’t afford it; or we can’t do anything without money. My mom lives with us and right now and she helps me. I want to be able to take care of her like I promised my dad I would.5/5(19)  · Finally, the most important reason to me, why I should go back to school is to show my kids that education is very important and it can be done, no matter what stage in life you are at. Even though, going back to school after you have kids will be difficult because you might not feel like you always have the time. If you want to further you education you will make a

Argumentative Essay: The Benefits of Going to School |

But, the main reason is for my family. School is very important in our house. Without education the only job out there is running a cash register for minimum wage. Believe me, I know because I have tried going back to school essay do it. I wanted to be able to provide a better life for my family. I want my kids to have more than I did growing up.

Growing up my dad worked offshore until he got hurt and had to have back surgery. After that, my mom worked; I would go to school, come home to cook, and clean. It was hard, but I did it. I would wear hand me down clothes from my cousins, and they would go to school and tell the other kids. My kids deserve more than what child support can provide for them. It is hard waiting and wondering if it is coming in on time. If not then; bills get paid late, kids cannot do what they want, and I become the bad guy.

While trying to better myself, I have started subbing so at least we have some money coming in. I found out while subbing that I love teaching and love the kids. I get food stamps which puts food on our table and in our stomachs.

We are all three on the Medicaid program. I have a co-pay to pay which is not much, thank God. The kids also get free lunch from school. I am grateful for that because I do not know how I would get the money for both girls to eat at school. Although I am grateful for all the help I would also like to be able to do it by myself. Going back to school means I can better myself and in doing that, I can provide a better life for my family. My mom lives with us and right now and she helps me. I want to be able to take care of her like I promised my dad I would.

My mom never asks for anything and always puts my kids before herself. She lives on a fixed income and most of that pays the bills and gets the kids what they need.

I want to take care of my mom because I promised my dad before he died that I would take care of her.

I am also the only one who wants to take her in. My brother could care less where as I care. I want my mom to be able to spend her money on her and not my kids unless she wants too. Teaching is a perfect job for me as a single mom. I am off when the kids are out of school. We have the same holidays and summer time off. I am home in the evening when they are. My goal is to graduate so my daughters Breanna and Krystal can be proud of me. I can also get off all state help, which I would be happy about.

I also would not be dependent on the child support like I am now. So, for me and my family, I made the decision to go back to school and get my teaching degree.

When I finish school I will be able to provide for my family and not have to depend on anyone else, going back to school essay. I have two years left and I am enjoying every minute of it. I found that I love to teach the pre-k class more than anything. Going Back to School.

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First Day Back To School After Lockdown

, time: 2:26

Going Back To School, Essay Sample

going back to school essay

I feel that going to school is for the better-good, because with more education I can get a better job and better pay to support my family. Failure is not an option. Second, when I made the decision to go back to college, I was not prepared for projects and assignments being due at ↑ Return to Essay Samples Argumentative Essay: The Benefits of Going to School Many young people see going to school as a chore and only go because they absolutely have to, while some will even skip school because they see it as boring and blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins  · Finally, the most important reason to me, why I should go back to school is to show my kids that education is very important and it can be done, no matter what stage in life you are at. Even though, going back to school after you have kids will be difficult because you might not feel like you always have the time. If you want to further you education you will make a

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